Questions? Answers.

Q: What is the shipping time for LagBuster orders?

A: We understand the excitement! We take 2 business days to process your LagBuster order. Once shipped, the estimated delivery time is between 5-10 business days. Rest assured, your lag-free gaming experience is on its way!

Q: Can LagBuster improve my gaming experience, especially in Fortnite?

A: Absolutely! LagBuster turbocharges your speeds to 300Mbps on the 2.4GHz frequency, providing a lag-free, buffer-free paradise for your Fortnite adventures.

Q: How easy is LagBuster to set up?

A: Setting up the LagBuster is a breeze. Use the WPS magic by pressing buttons on LagBuster and your home router – simple as that. You will then be able to connect any device to the LagBuster as you would when connecting to your Wifi.

Q: What if I encounter issues?

A: Don't worry! Our 24/7 customer service squad is here to turn every WiFi woe into a victory dance. Reach out anytime – we're your LagBuster heroes!